Does your home smell? Our top 3 tips to creating a scented home...

Top 3 tips to creating a scented home...

Candle by The Plant Workshop Fenwick Newcastle

Who doesn't like a nice smelling home?

Whether you're disguising lingering cooking smells or a smelly-welly pet - here's our top three tips to get your home smelling AMAZING...

TIP # 1

Reed Diffusers are a great solution for areas like a porch (or vestibule is you're posh!), hallway or any high traffic area. The key here is air movement and strong scent. Luckily our reed diffusers are potent AND long-lasting...


TIP # 2

Candles are brilliant at creating a long-lasting scent radiating throughout the home. Think positioning and size: our small candles are perfect for smaller spaces like a guest bedroom, bathroom but if you're open-plan or have large rooms (or just LOVE a potent hit of fragrance) then our 3-wick beauties will tick the box.
Our candles not only create ambiance with their gorgeous amber glassware, but they're packed with fragrance oils and burn so slowly. Just ask anyone who's had one...


TIP # 3

Hand wash for your guests (and you, of course!) is a wonderful way of injecting scent and making your home even more luxurious. Even if they're washing their hands in your kitchen sink, a bold and effective hand wash will have them asking "where did you get that from - it's beautiful!"


All of our home fragrance can be purchased online or in Fenwick Newcastle.