Who ordered snow?

The Plant Worksop in The Scottish Highlands Home Fragrance

Snow Day

After moving to the Scottish Highlands last year, we're gradually settling in and making plans to bring you even more houseplants in 2024 into our Fenwick store in Newcastle and expand our range of fragrances. Moving our small business wasn't without its difficulties (and stress!) and timing can't always be controlled - especially moving just before our busiest Christmas period. But, we did it. And, we're so thankful for your support. The amount of Winter '2023' candles we sent out - I think everyone got one!

We've locked up the workshop earlier tonight and, after meeting our postie with your orders on the main road (couldn't risk our slippery bank!) we wrapped ourselves up and went exploring in the local area. 

The Plant Workshop dog called Huxley. Home Fragrance, candles, reed diffusers, hand and body wash, liquid soap

The January Blues

We know January can feel never-ending and the come-down from all those festivities can leave us feeling a bit glum. But, we're determined to keep positive and enjoy the things that make us happy...right now it's a walk in the snow with the peace and tranquility that the Scottish Highlands offers.

Northumberland Street Candle by The Plant Workshop Made in the Scottish Highlands

Getting Cosy

We're back home, the fire's on and we have two very wet doggies. We're getting cosy with a Northumberland Street candle which is casting shadows on the ceiling with its gentle flickering flame and create the most perfect of scented nights.

You can see the 5-star rated range of Northumberland Street here - it really is something else! 

Dave & Steve x