Hollie | Plant Person



Who are you?
I'm Hollie and I'm a final year Biomedical Science student with a love of plants 

What do you do at The Plant Workshop?
I work part time and help share my love of all things green in our Fenwick shop! I ensure all the plants are happy and help customers choose the right one for them 🌿

What’s your favourite plant?
Currently the Birkin Philodendron but honestly it changes every week!

What’s it like to work at The Plant Workshop?
Nothing I love more than having one of my hobbies as my work - it's so fun to be able to meet so many people and give them advice on things I'm passionate about.

Most overused word or phrase?
Perfect perfect perfect!

One thing you can’t live without?
A nice good cup of tea 💪

What’s your favourite food?
My Mam's Sunday dinner 😍

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
In my spare time I love to chill with my friends and play games, paint and cooking up a feast for my housemates :) And also shopping for clothes and more plants to add to my collection ;)