Kirsty | Store Manager | Fenwick Newcastle



Who are you?

I'm Kirsty

What do you do at The Plant Workshop?

I manage our Fenwick store and oversee our social media.

What’s your favourite plant?

This changes frequently but currently I'm loving my fishbone cactus.

What’s it like to work at The Plant Workshop?

It's really lovely! We're like one big planty family spread across different sites and I get to be surrounded by beautiful plants everyday.

Most overused word or phrase?

I'm going to make... (enter next project idea here)

One thing you can’t live without?

Good coffee

What’s your favourite food?

Spicy noodles

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Anything creative! Embroidery, sewing, working with clay, upcycling furniture... the list goes on. And taking care of my plants of course!